Скай Парк Лагуна

Таиланд • Chang Wat Phuket, Phuket Road 109 • Release Apr 2026

Скай Парк Лагуна

Таиланд • Chang Wat Phuket, Phuket Road 109 • Release Apr 2026

Planned от 8%
Payment by instalments
Luxury real estate
Closed area
Water supply

В продаже апартаменты в шикарном комплексе рядом с пляжем Бангтао, в элитном районе Лагуна на о.Пхукет.

Это единственный бюджетный комплекс в этом районе.  

Комплекс состоит из 3 корпусов - два корпуса (А и В) уже построены в 2022 году, третий корпус С - сдача в 2023 году, построен, идут отделочные работы. четвертый корпус Е-F окончание строительства 4-й квартал 2025 года.

Есть еще свободные апартаменты.

Застройщик - компания основана в 1980-х годах, официально зарегистрирована на бирже. На сегодняшний день принадлежащая ей территория и здания представляют собой курорт Laguna Phuket - первый интегрированный курортный комплекс в Азии.

Стоимость в строящихся корпусах апартаменты В продаже апартаменты:

студия 29 м² от 181 000$

с 2 спальнями от 43 м² до 52м2 от 253 000 $ до 302.000$,

Стоимость апартаментов указана с чистовой отделкой и с встроенной мебелью.

Чем ближе проект к стадии завершения, тем выше стоимость! 

Успейте забронировать квартиру по самым выгодным ценам!

План оплаты в строящемся корпусе:

Бронь 3.000$ далее в течении месяца первый взнос 20%, к сдаче корпуса необходимо оплатить 50% стоимости апартаментов, оставшиеся в рассрочку на 5 лет.

❖ Можно купить квартиру в полную собственность 

❖ Ежегодное удорожание стоимости недвижимости на острове = 3-10% (за счет дефицита земли и ограничений строительства)

❖ Инфляция в Таиланде - менее 1%

❖ Круглогодичный популярный курорт мирового класса

❖ Управляющая компания от застройщика, без ограничений на проживание в собственных апартаментах при сдаче в аренду через УК. Комиссия управляющей компании 15%.


🔹 Богатый выбор вариантов отделки и оснащения помещений, включая базовую отделку, вариант со встроенной мебелью и бытовой техникой и варианты полного укомплектования.


🔹 Жители имеют эксклюзивный доступ на крышу с джакузи, бассейнами, беговой дорожкой, площадкой для загара и йоги, зоной барбекю. 


🔹 Проект расположен в элитном районе самого большого курорта Азии среди 

пятизвездочных гостиниц, элитных досуговых центров Boat Avenue и Central Porto de Phuket, клубов Catch, Dream Beach, Xana, люксовых спа, и фешенебельных центров, в непосредственной близости от поля для гольфа Laguna Phuket.

❖ 800 метров до пляжа Бангтао

❖ 25 минут от международного аэропорта

Оплата возможна любым удобным способом - банковским переводом, криптовалютой.

Организуем индивидуальный инвест-тур на остров с персональным сопровождением

По запросу онлайн показ и обзор комплексов, апартаментов.

В продаже есть так же виллы.

Phuket Island (Thailand)

❖ Construction date Building A and Building B 2nd quarter 2022.

Building C 2nd quarter 2023

Building D 4th quarter 2025

Building E 2nd quarter 2026

Building F 2nd quarter 2026

❖ Distance to the sea - 700 metres to Bangtao Beach.

❖ Projected income - minimum of 8-9% per annum.


❖ Form of ownership - Freeehold / Leasehold.

❖ No instalments for ready-made housing,

 but there are instalments available for buildings under construction.


❖ Remote registration of the transaction is possible

❖ Possible payment with cryptocurrency

❖ Annual increase in the cost of property on the island = 3-10% (due to land scarcity and construction restrictions)

❖ Thailand's inflation rate is less than 1%.

❖ Year-round popular world-class resort, here rental demand has always outstripped supply.

❖ When buying property with a total value of $ 350K or more, we can help you obtain an investor visa for 5 years.

🔹 New residential development by developer Laguna - in Asia's best integrated resort and walking distance to Bangtao Beach


🔹This is the only budget development from developer Laguna (over 35 years in the market)


❖ A wide range of options to choose from, including basic, fitted and fully furnished.


❖ Residents have exclusive access to the rooftop with Jacuzzi, swimming pools, jogging track, sunbathing and yoga area, barbecue area.

 ❖ 700 metres to Bangtao Beach

❖ 25 minutes from the international airport

❖ Sky Park is located in an upscale neighbourhood of Asia's largest resort, amongst five-star hotels.

five-star hotels, luxury leisure centres Boat Avenue and Central Porto de Phuket, clubs Catch, Dream Beach, Xana, luxury spas, and fashionable centres, in close proximity to the Laguna Phuket golf course.

🔹 The complex is of interest to both buyers who wish to purchase flats as a primary or secondary residence, as well as investor buyers. Homeowners can rest assured that Laguna Phuket's professional and experienced staff are on hand to take care of their flats, including providing a specialised rental service while they are away.

🔹 With in-resort transport, a bank with currency exchange service; a 24-hour medical clinic; a convenience store; and multilingual staff, residents have all the support they need for a fulfilling and comfortable lifestyle.


🔹 Laguna Resorts & Hotels Public Company Limited acquired the Laguna Phuket site at the dawn of the 1980s and transformed the barren tin mine into Asia's first integrated resort complex.

The company has been listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand since 1993. During its existence, it has gained serious credibility in the industry as a company whose hotel and residential property interests are closely intertwined.


About Sky Park

View from the roof



🔹Today, Laguna Property has established itself as Phuket's largest and best-known property developer and has built an impeccable reputation for developing hotels and residential properties with a focus on quality and environmental protection. Its continued success has been recognised by numerous environmental and tourism awards over the years.

Installments for object under construction for up to 5 years.


Transaction processing procedure:


Reservation (deposit/deposit) - from 3K $.

*The amount is included in the price of the property.

**Deposit is non-refundable


If you are not in Thailand, the contract and within 15-20 days courier service will deliver it to you personally in your hands. You will receive 3 sets to sign and 2 of them will be sent back to you. Based on the contract, the first payment is made by transfer to the developer's Thai account. Subsequent payments are made according to the schedule in the contract.


The 1st payment of 20% (less reservation) - paid within 30 days after signing the contract and making a reservation.


Further 3 instalments of 10% every 8 months:

2nd payment upon completion of 25% of the construction work ( 10% )

3rd instalment upon completion of 50% of the construction work (10%)

4th instalment on completion of 75% of the construction work ( 10% )


The balance - 50% after completion of construction can be taken in instalments for 5 years.

** You can live or rent the flat from the date of commissioning of the building, thus partially or fully recouping the payment costs.

** Please note that the payment schedule may vary, as the project may be at any stage of construction at the time of your purchase.


Additional fees are payable (one-off after 100% payment):

Registration of ownership:

Freehold - 6.3%

Leasehold - 1,1%

Installation of water and light meters - 600 $


Annual payments:

Maintenance of common areas - 50 THB per 1 m²

Major repairs - 100 THB per 1 m²



More details

Properties for sale in this complex
from$141,000 to $330,000
total: 3
2 rooms apartment • 53 m² • $330,000
с 2 спальнями 60м2 от 278 700 $
studio apartment • 29 m² • $141,000
Жилой комплекс Скай парк Лагуна корпуса D, E, F - новые строящиеся корпуса популярного комплекса от заст
one rooms apartment • 34 m² • $150,000
В продаже апартаменты в шикарном комплексе рядом с пляжем Бангтао, в элитном районе Лагуна на о.Пхукет.последние дн
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